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This is my Story of Second Chances, Healing, Finding Hope, and Learning to Dream Again.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

A Glimpse of the Good Life

Even when God doesn’t provide, He provides. No job opened up. Once home from vacation, I began writing like my life depended on it. After Grace started school, I had from nine until three almost every day… Well, after I spent an hour or more applying for jobs or attending interviews, checking email and Facebook, and paying the bills or completing errands.

But I did have a few solid hours a day to do nothing but write. And it was wonderful!

I was always afraid that if given the chance to write every day, the inspiration wouldn’t show up. I mean, it’s one thing to do some creative writing for an hour or two at a time, and another thing to do it all day, every day! In high school and college, I wrote intermittently when time allowed. After I became a mother, it became even more intermittent. This was a rare opportunity to dedicate myself to what I loved. And every day God kept the inspiration flowing.

Those who really know me know that it takes a lot to get me excited. I’m one of those, “Oh, that’s nice,” when others are like, “Oh, wow!” So for me to get really excited is saying something. Every day, during those hours of writing, I felt joy.

My husband thinks I’m a nutcase for not only being content, but joyful, while spending hours on end in the solitude of my room on my computer. But in those moments with my Google history research on one screen, my Windows Document on another, and a Thesaurus in my lap, I feel in perfect harmony. I feel complete, absolute joy. As if I am doing exactly what God created me to do.

And a bag of mint M&M’s just makes the moment that much better.

What brings you joy?


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