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This is my Story of Second Chances, Healing, Finding Hope, and Learning to Dream Again.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Quitters Never Win

Never give up today, for you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.” Every morning while I’m applying my make-up and styling my hair, my mind races with creative ideas. It’s like an adrenaline rush. If only I could get to the computer and write! But instead, I have to go about my day until 1:00 naptime, and by then my creative energy has disappeared into dirty diapers and “The Wheels on the Bus.”

But without perseverance, nothing difficult or worthwhile has ever been accomplished. So I have to find a way to make the most of my limited opportunities. Since I’m not on a dead-line, it doesn’t really matter if it takes me a year to write the second book in the series. But I want to write because it’s what brings me joy and fulfillment.

I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to write full-time or have that historic home that I daydream about. But that’s my heart’s desire. I’ve asked God to give them to me, and I believe that when we pray with humility and sincerity we are putting all of our desires into His hands. I’m giving them up to Him, and if it’s His will for me to have them, He will give them back at the right time.

If He doesn’t, then I must believe that He has sound reasons for withholding these dreams from me. God always has a plan and a purpose, and it usually involves the testing and growth of my character. Sometimes it involves situations or circumstances that we cannot know or imagine. God sees the big picture, not just my immediate wishes.

When I talk about waiting patiently and trusting God, I don’t mean being passive and hoping my dreams fall into my lap. I mean that as I work toward my dream, I’m listening to the leading of the Holy Spirit and not just my own voice.

I’m not going to quit on this dream. But I am going to surrender it to God.

Who knows what the future will bring?


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