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This is my Story of Second Chances, Healing, Finding Hope, and Learning to Dream Again.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Instant Chaos: Just Add Puppy

Jake bounded into our apartment, tail wagging, and was delighted to see that there were already playmates for him to chew on. The cats, however, did not greet him with the same level of enthusiasm. For the first few days they regarded him with dubious curiosity, keeping a safe distance. Slowly Sweet Pea has allowed him to get close enough to feel the power of her clawless paw as it collides with his puppy head. She’s a lot stronger than you would presume. Now he regards the cats with a measure of caution. Ginger isn’t the type to hit, but she isn’t afraid to hiss in Jake’s face if he invades her personal space bubble.

He is still smaller than the cats, but he makes up for it with rambunctious energy. Jake runs around the room, his front paws lifted so high that he has to lift his entire backside off the ground to compensate. He looks like his run is too big for him as he bounds and leaps, eliciting giggles of amusement from the humans and skeptical stares from the felines.

There’s a reason God made all baby creatures cute. Why else would we tolerate their antics with a bemused smile instead of guarding the peace and quiet of our home? The puppy is definitely using his cuteness to his advantage.

I’m not really a dog person, though you may think otherwise after all the puppy pictures I’ve posted on Facebook. The truth is that I’ve always preferred cats. The only reason we are now in possession of a dog is that it brings joy and happiness to my husband’s heart. And I since I love him, I enjoy seeing that little boy grin that spreads over his face every time he holds his puppy. Although I have to admit, Jake’s wormed his way into my affections with his cute little puppy face.

We don’t know exactly what breed Jake is, since his father is completely unknown. But it’s entertaining to note that when Ben holds him, he looks like an average puppy, and when Grace holds him, he looks like a baby beast. But as long as he turns out to be a gentle giant, I guess I’ll waive the weight restriction that was part of my initial agreement with Ben on the selection of a dog. I have a feeling Jake may equal or surpass me once he’s full grown.

And so the peace and tranquility of my home has now been permanently overtaken by the arrival of puppy Jake. Or maybe that happened already when I married Ben… Either way, life is a lot more exciting (and chaotic) than it used to be!


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